Monday, July 20, 2009

The Cook of the Best Falafels in Israel Wants to Move to America?

I could barely get up for class today at 8:45 AM. I couldn't wait for the coffee break to get some tea in hopes of getting some buzz. Fail! After class, I got an e-mail saying that I had to go to the Overseas Students office to fill out some customs forms in order to get my new cochlear implant. That was annoying to think about because I was really tired and I wanted to nap! So I spent some time filling out some forms and I was originally told that it would take some time for the forms to be processed. Uh oh. The marchariah called the customs to see how to expediate the process in case I fly out on Thursday. If I could get the form in today, they would bring the package tomorrow! Good! Then I was told to bring a copy of passport. Ugh.

So I went back to the room and had a small lunch. I intended to nap for 20 minutes in order to get back to the office by 3 PM to hand in my passport. I ended up napping for an hour! I threw on my running clothes quickly, packed my little gym bag, and ran over to the office. When I'm in a situation like this, I'm always happy that I can run effortlessly! And it's quite useful! So I got the copy in and everything was all set.

Then I went to the gym to run 4 miles on the treadmill. After some quick stretches, I went back to my room to shower and dress for my train ride to Haifa.

Mor told me to meet her on the train (or "first wagon north" in her SMS... which I corrected her later as in "first car"). I got to the train station just barely in nick of time so I basically rushed through buying my ticket that later I doubt that I got right change back. And I missed 2 calls from Mor, trying to reach me and tell me that she had to get on the next train due to some problems at her station at Azrelli Center. And I had already gotten on the train. So we just ended up meeting in Haifa. I was actually slightly grateful that we missed each other because people didn't really talk on the train. So we would just have been keeping each other company.

We drove to her house and met Or outside. She had just finished her driving lessons! How excited she was to be driving! Then we went inside and I greeted Hader. I could smell the falafels cooking. Mmmm... I requested that she make some falafels because I've never been able to find good falafels as hers since I tried them two years ago at a family BBQ. We set up the coffee table in the living room so we all could eat together. I really enjoyed it.

One of the first things Hadar said, "I want to move to America. I told my children to go to America. Study in America." I was surprised. Last year she expressed no interest and complained that America was too big. I said, why all of sudden? She complained about the security situation and really fears Israel. But her husband wants to stay. I told her that I didn't like Chicago, where her uncle lives, because it's all steakhouses and pizza...but whatever. Mor and Or laughed and told me that they told their mother that within one week, she'd be back on the plane to Tel Aviv. True.... I mean, later, I mentioned that I heard from other Israelis that they felt that Israel was much safer than the U.S., and I was inclined to agree.

She was certainly all mad about me voting for Obama because "he's a Muslim! I don't like Muslims!" I pointed out that once I learned about Sarah Palin's views, I just couldn't do it. Not for women's rights. She shut up.

We tried to call Zev a few times without success so I just left a voicemail. We spent time watching the Israeli version of American Idol (Hebrew translates into "A Star Born") while eating some cake and fruit (and Or put together some ice cream...).

There was some miscommunication over whether I was staying for the night because before I had said that I could spend the night. I had meant if it was Thursday night, not when I have class the next day. So they were a bit disappointed that I was staying for a few hours... but I didn't want to get up at 6:30 AM to catch the 7:!5 AM train with Mor!

They also bought me two tops. Hadar bought a nice printed top that looked pretty good on me actually. Mor and Or shopped in Tel Aviv and got me a black dress. They admitted that they liked their mother's choice. I felt so bad, they're always giving me gifts and I never have anything for them from the States! Next time, I must get something from the U.S. for them.... hmmm....

I'm frankly surprised to hear every Israeli, as much they love and enjoy me, tell me to go home and see my parents when the heard how my summer was playing out. Yes, I was and am having a crazy but fun summer of traveling but it's important to see my parents for my parents' sake as being parents. But that's also very Israeli- family is number one, family come before friends.

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