Thursday, May 31, 2007

Last Week of Classes

I am SO glad to be done with classes. It does feel a bit weird in the way things are ending- not a huge rush as it gets to be back at Colgate. EEJewry ended on an odd note- the professor gave a lecture on the last day in which we'd never be tested on that material because we had our final on Sunday. Of course, I didn't take notes. For my AJ-IJ, I was literally hanging off my seat, trying to make the most of the last class with this amazing seminar- I'm going to miss it sooooo much. It could go on for ages- the debate on Jewish identity is endless. Hebrew was just all review- I spent almost the entire time thinking how this scene looked so familiar... those old days of teachers prepping students for the Regents exams. That was scary to bring back those old high school memories like that.

I went over to Naomi's for dinner last night though I found myself cooking for most part because she was disorganized and just didn't know the first thing about cooking *right*. I tell you, I am always forever grateful for Mom- since college, I have never taken her for granted. Every time I cook for myself wherever I am, the people who come in the kitchen get all "Oh that smells so good, what are you making?" and I tell them and they said, "Mmmm sounds delicious!" Sometimes I can see the jealousy in their eyes. Often I casually mention that my mom's a cook. If someone doesn't know what to do with certain foods, I can usually figure out how to make use of it- for example, Naomi just randomly cut up onions, thinking she'd put them in the salad. I told her no way, not raw white onions, so I sauteed them and threw them on our pizza toast as a topping. She had also thought of putting apples in a salad filled with red peppers, chickpeas, mushrooms, carrots, and some weird dressing. Goot thing she forgot- it would've tasted awful. Apples would not have worked at all. I used the apples to make "baked apples" over the stove by mixing in some cinnamon and lots of sugar (her Israeli roommate was really excited and loved them and asked how to make them- it's quite an American thing!). Thank you so much, Mom. Even though I underestimate myself a lot, I know that I can cook quite well.

Anyway, I just got back from a great dinner with Wendy, Becca, Amy, Sara, Kate, Lilly, and three guys. It was a "surprise" going-away party for Wendy since she's leaving tomorrow to return to the States. It was quite bittersweet- I love her so much. We ate at Tmol Shilshom, a bookstore vegetarian cafe. It had the best homemade bread I had ever tasted in Israel. I wished I had known about this for Grandma! The menu was quite American- whatever, definitely my style. I finally got grilled veggies and feta salad- delicious... Oh we also had a soldier with us! He met Wendy and somebody else in Mea She'arim and overheard them speaking English... so somehow, he joined us. It was really cool- I wanted to hang out with a soldier but I didn't want to do it randomly like a tourist, you know? So I posed with him and put on his beret.

Hebrew level exam tomorrow. And here I am, totally chilling out. That's just the way I am when I have big exams. I've learned from Mrs. Barker in 8th grade that generally 48 hours prior to exams, you're not going to remember a whole lot. So whatever I'd study tonight wouldn't necessarily be in my mind tomorrow.

Then I go to HAIFA!

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