Monday, April 16, 2007


Day 2 of post office strikes and Day... 7? of student strikes. Looks like all of Zev's packages and my postcards to my darling friends will have to wait a little longer.

Yet, I still have classes. Yuck. The best part about today was actually going to Hebrew- I didn't realize that spending 3 weeks listening to Zev and his company talk in Hebrew made an impact on my listening and pronounication skills on common Hebrew words. The teacher was impressed.

By the way, today was Yom Ha'Shoah. The program had students with survivors in their families to read out a prayer or a song. There were 6 big candles wrapped with black paper with the "JUDE" star on it. I found that a bit offensive- that particular image of the yellow star- becaus e it is offensive to use it to remember the Jews. But in some ways, it does make sense in its symoblism. The whole country observed the silence after the sirens wailed to stop everything. Even people will stop their cars in middle of traffic to get out.

I don't know. Everything I've accomplished in America seems sooooo far away now.

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