Thursday, July 24, 2008

Exciting Conversations!

Ulpan is picking up a bit, slowly but surely. My partner, David, and I did our class presentation yesterday on Eliezar Ben-Yehuda. We turned it into a skit. I played an unhappy talmud student and David was Ben Yehuda and it was Ben Yehuda's job to make the student excited about learning Modern Hebrew. We did pretty well and Roni didn't interrupt too much compared to other presentations- yippee. It was our goal. The room we were in was soooo cold that I had to get a cup of cappuccino to warm up!

Roni finally taught the future tense today but I didn't think she taught it too well. She was trying to cram two concepts instead of separating them. Like there's a common tense but certain final letter of the shoresh reqires a slight change in the first and second persons. At least we're moving on. In the final period of class, we went to the children's section in the library. We formed groups and each read a book and acted out in front of the class. Danna, Naomi, and I read Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham (actually in Hebrew it roughly translates "I'm Not Hungry, I Don't Like It" (לא רבע לא אוהב)) Obviously the story didn't rhyme but it was great. Danna acted out while Naomi and I took our parts. Other people picked Where the Wild Things Are, The Giving Tree, and Good Night Moon. It was the best part of ulpan class so far!

I went to the beach yesterday. I totally missed the 46 bus so I hopped on the 37 to transfer and just missed the 133. So I waited like half-hour for the next one, ugh! The waves were still good but very strong that I actually ducked underwater when the waves came over! I almost lost my bikini bottom (I guess my body has changed quite a bit since I was 17 and had more fat on my body, even though I weighed less then!). The beach where I was was very busy that I didn't get a chair for a while so I laid out on my towel as usual. I definitely wished that I had a surfboard!

When I came back, I made my dinner and Sylvia and Einuat also made their dinners. The three of us actually sat down and talked about Israel and our backgrounds. My apartment is very diverse but everyone (except for Liora) is Sephardic. Einuat's father immigrated from India and her mother came from Egypt (and her lineage go back to France in 1880s). Sylvia's family was from South Africa (though she's white like us). Bat-El's parents were from Yemen. And Lilach's from Iran and Iraq. They're all quite traditional in their practices with Bat El and Lilach coming from Orthodox families. Einuat and Sylvie also talked about their opinions towards the Israeli government and the Second Lebanon War. Contrary to my beliefs and the grapevine, they, as young Israelis, don't care for either presidential candidates- they think Obama is a good person.

Today, I had planned on going to Tiberias after class as I had been hankering to go for a couple hours. But I ended up having lunch with Rahel and her friend. Rahel's from Switzerland and has the most lovely accent so I love listening to her talk. She's not Jewish but her mom's very into Jewish culture and also gave one of her brothers a Jewish name- David. The girls were curious about my cochlear implant and thought it was a very cool thing that it existed and that I could lip read.

Afterwards, I went to the international student office to see if my cell had come in yet. Nope. I need to try again on Sunday. Sigh.

Then I went back to my room and got dressed quickly for the beach. I caught the 46 today- yippee! Bat-El was also on the bus so we sat together to the station. A girl in front of us said that it was her first time riding the bus to the beach and one thing after the other, I learned that she's a Smithie! Her name's Chantel and she's from Santa Barbara. Go figure that she loves the beach. We decided to buddy up and go to the beach together. We spent the next 2 1/2 hours talking and doing our Hebrew homework. Even though I know I left Smith, I still love meeting up with Smithies. She also lived in Albright and has Justin Cammy, my old Jewish Studies advisor, for her advisor. She's studying Hebrew this summer to fulfill her major requirements for her Jewish Studies major. I'm proud of her!

Now I'm glad that I didn't go to Tiberias! Maybe I'll try again on Monday or next Wednesday though... I want to do it from Haifa- it's just easier to do it than from Herzliya or Jerusalem.

Tomorrow, off to Jerusalem!!
I know, I look ridiculously tan. Maybe the Olympics on tv will keep me out of the sun while I stay with the Ravids...

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