Thursday, August 23, 2007

Virtual Reality Becomes Real

Imagine that you're casually playing a game like the Sims or one of those Doom games where you're controlling your characters so that nobody dies except for the enemy. You're safe on your couch because if your characters end up dead, you're still alive and can start over and try again. It's all stimulation without risk, creating a perfect life, a perfect war.

Now, try to visualize yourself being warped into the television or computer screen and find yourself as the character that you were just controlling a minute ago. The controller's fallen on the floor, leaving no one but yourself to guide you through the challenges. Suddenly, you're actually in danger because your enemy could kill you and you'll never be able to go back on the couch that you were just sitting on. Now you have to think for yourself and defend for yourself. There is no offense this time. The only way you'll go back to that world is if you can fight and win this survival of wits game. Because once you've figured out how to make the world 100% safe and peaceful, then, well, the virtual reality becomes a dream come true.

My point is that once you've had an opportunity to live in a country like Israel, you realize that you've been wearing rose-colored glasses in America. Israel teaches you the appreciation of the soldiers (and to look at them as just regular people on military duty, not just sex toys for the birthright participants), the purpose of sacrifcing your privacy and keeping your cellphone glued to you, and the importance of being prepared and assessing risks. Listening to families and friends debate and discuss the Army and Israel's past, present, and future opens up your eyes of what it means to protect and to defend the state. America is like playing a stimulation game- you imagine what could potentially happen but your chances of being in danger are zero. Israel, on the other hand, sucks you into its game. Instead of thumbing the controller to direct your character to keep it alive between crazy Israeli drivers and religious fanatics throwing rocks, you are the character, controlling your own destiny by avoiding such unforeseen obstacles. You try to read other people's faces and wonder what they are. You learn to put some faith in your cab drivers, bus drivers, restaurant security guys, and countless other people so you can live to see another day. You also try to make no mistakes. Decisions are made in a snap without regard for consequences that the people around you will face such as finding an empty bag in front of a train door and calling on the security, without really thinking that you're going to make yourself and hundreds of others late for 20 minutes. In New York City, the slogan, "If You See Something, Then Say Something," is everywhere. To me, now, that's totally common sense! Americans don't like to take their time or take responsbility for others' safety.

Several moments that recently happened that made me realize how much my perspective has changed in terms of war and security.

Case #1:

My brother announced that he wants to join the Navy and do the ROTC in order to come out as an officer. We had a spirited debate in the car on the way home from Buffalo over his choices and rationalizations. I argued with him that he’s being a coward for not wanting to join the Army or the Marines and not to face the danger while he would sit on the boat. I also pointed out what was the purpose if he would not be fighting on the defense? What good would it be for him? He retorted that he is not looking for death and he just likes to work around on boats. He’s pretty much filled with Navy propaganda. I do support the idea of him serving the country but not in this way.

Prior to Israel, I thought anyone who joined the US military was an idiot for wanting to serve under President Bush. Why would anyone want to risk being sent to Iraq or Afghanistan? One of Mom’s friends, Leslie, has a son in the ROTC Marines- a nice Jewish boy who is a Republican. Typical as moms are, they thought it’d be nice for us to meet. I did meet him eventually when he joined in for dinner with all of us together. I shook my head, “Nice Jewish boy but a staunch Republican who wants to be in Iraq? I don’t think so.” Now, I realize that it doesn't matter who your commander-in-chief is when you serve because they're all half-idiots anyway but you want to serve because you want to protect and to defend the borders and security. Israelis have to serve in the Army and they pretty much search for reasons why they have to wake up everyday while serving in the Army. For many, it's the Zionist ideology. For some, it's revenge. A few will say democracy. Whatever kind of personal motivational thinking they need to get through.

Case #2:
I found a rental DVD from Blockbuster- Letters of Iwo Jima and I was excited to watch it. I loved Clint Eastwood’s movies- he’s such a good director. Anyway, I found myself watching the movie with a new perspective. I had not seen a war movie since January when I rented Pearl Harbor. Even though the movie was scripted on Japanese perspective as it spoke quite a bit about what it meant to die with honor and for the country and anti-American sentiments, my thought process changed. Suddenly, the planning sessions and battles scenes seemed more than just lines. The characters were taking real risks, assessing their resources and their soldiers, and figuring out what they could and could not sacrifice. The soldiers complained about how the islands meant nothing to them but later the officers revealed that the only purpose of occupying these islands was to protect the mainland. Basically, I felt greater empathy for what was going on. I was really intrigued by their perspective on the Americans- one of the commanders had “studied” the Americans in Los Angeles for a bit. It all felt a bit too familiar.

Case #3:
I also read a cover story in TIME (July 30) about how to pull out of Iraq safely. I thought for a moment, based what I understand from Israeli and American military histories and the discussions surrounding the Second Lebanon War, the Gaza/West Bank pullout, and the talks with Syria over Golan Heights. I also considered the Islamic political attitudes.
These two recent episodes brought on my reflections of Israel. I read the article actively, mulling, commenting, and asking questions in my head as I went along. In my conclusion, he seemed pretty close to what I thought should happen next. I felt that in comparison to other Iraq articles in American media, this was quite sensible and realistic. The troops cannot pull out in six weeks, it would take months. The timing had to be right. There had to be a certain sense of trust. Somehow, I felt that the journalist was trying to mirror Israel’s Gaza pullout and lessons learned from there.

Since coming back from Israel, I am amazed how my attitude towards the military, the politics, and Iraq has changed. I still don’t support the war itself but the soldiers certainly are not at fault. There has to be a certain way to handle the Middle East situation and the Bush administration and the US military do not understand how this is a different type of war. They are against very difficult culture and ideology that you cannot match. This is not a primitive society. Though it is oppressive in some ways, it is how they have ruled for centuries and it saw success. The influence is too large to manage. Their definition of honor is not the same as ours. Basically, from what I saw in Israel, democracy and Western ideals and values and Islam do not go hand-in-hand. Basically, trying to change the system over there the way President Bush wants is like asking someone to undergo a surgery to change his or her race. It’s impossible and unrealistic.

Bottom line is don't see Israel as playing Zelda or Sonic, but see what it means to be on the defense. Look from the others' perspective and how they view their ideology, strategy, and lifestyle and pit those against your own. Compromise or leave alone? Either way works, depending on the scenario. Can you be willing to make a regular habit of showing your bag or calling on the security when you see a suspicious person and sacrifice a few seconds of your freedom for thousands of other people? If yes to this, then you are on the defense. I am doing this because I strongly believe in Israel's existence and the strength and reputation of America. When you are on the defense, you kind of realize why you're protecting your life. You want to exist for a reason and you'll take measures that will ensure your survival to see the reason fulfilled, or continues to do so.

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