Monday, August 6, 2007

Snapshots of Culture Shock

1. Realizing that I must behave courteously and with proper to flight attendants in order to change my seat from window to aisle instead of staring down and arguing for my seat The self-restrain was painful.

2. The security chaos in Newark at 6:30 AM, filled with business travelers, how you must move quickly through the line in comparsion to Ben-Gurion, where things are more laidback.

3. iPhone.

4. Instant smile and friendliness at the DMV, yes even the Israelis can make the DMV people seem much nicer.

5. Skeptical of the branch manager at Bank of America's sincere apologies for the breakdown in customer service operation when I was trying to get a new check card. I wanted to get up and walk out so fast in protest as in "I don't need to deal with this kind of crap." Instead, I sat there, nodding and putting on a fake smile, still restrained and couldn't wait to yell outside

6. Nicole Richie's 4 months pregnant?

7. Hesitation about what to listen to during workout- something about Israel, an interview with Nicole Richie, or listen to my iPod... eventually choosing Israel, its safety is more important than celebrities.

8. On the same note, getting offended and fired up when I watched a Christian home shopping network showing headlines from J-Post and talking about a World War III and that only Tony Blair can save Middle East from erupting. that there would be some kind of divine revelation... All that crap just made me furious and in denial that the IDF can do whatever needs to be done to save Israel from the hands of the fundamentalists. I was in serious conviction that the Army will take care of things.... you know? That as long it's there, Israel will be fine

9. Lots of ice cream flavors- including a new one by Ben and Jerry's- Cinnamon Buns (cinnamon ice cream with cinnamon and cinnaomon bun dough)

10 Real discomfort during a visit/dinner at the new country club that my parents joined They kept praising how nice the groudns and buildings and the pool were. In the meantime, I felt really apathetic. The beautiful homes around Jerusalem and Casearea were fancy enough for me but this country club and the American lifestyle were too much for me. Just don't expect me to take it all for granted- it's just there for my enjoyment if I want to use it.

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