Sunday, September 27, 2009


Quite a few of my friends posted ".... Please forgive me for any wrongdoings I have done..." on their status on Facebook and GoogleTalk. I'm not the one who forgives easily unless the person's touched my heart. I know that holding grudges isn't good but the feeling usually goes away and I don't think much about them unless they are brought up. There are very few people that I have a hard time forgiving because I like a lot of people who have entered in my world.

So today, I decided that the most important person whom I should ask for forgiveness is my landlady. She is still a nut. But things have normalized in the past week and I didn't see her as much as I did before. I wanted to show her that I did care (mainly to keep my deposit) and I respected her house. So while she was doing some yard work this morning, I stopped and said to her, "I just want to ask for your forgiveness for any harm I've done to you. That is all." She accepted it.

(I also reminded her a little that it's a Jewish holiday since it seemed like she already accepted my forgiveness).

Now where to go from here? I will tell my roommates tomorrow night that she is welcomed to come when Claire cooks in two weeks.

Thanks, friends, for a little social pressure. Thanks, technology, whatever would we do without you?

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