Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Homeward Bound

I'm officially booked for my trip back to Israel! I'm leaving JFK on January 2nd and getting into Tel Aviv on the 3rd. Then I'm staying until the 15th.

Now I can put all that anxiety behind me and concentrate on my schoolwork.

It's going to be interesting to see how it all will feel. I'm not going to expect anything except good times with my friends and families. Well, I do expect a little smitach craziness in Jerusalem but who's complaining? I'm already aware of all the changes that's happened- Mor's in the Army, Shiri will be on her way, Melissa might get engaged, etc, etc. But I'm happy for all of them.

Cliche, I know, but I always feel good when I think about Israel because I really do feel that it's my home. It's that yearning feeling. I tried to point out with my old Israeli boyfriend that Israel's my home and I will get there eventually but there are some things that I have to do first perhaps like getting my PhD. I mean, I finally got my iTunes working after some downtime with the laptop being reformatted today and listened to some of my Israeli songs that I hadn't heard in weeks. How I missed all the Hebrew! Also I had debated whether to do the alternative winter break trip with Hillel in Israel but decided against it. I don't think it'll work for me... I just won't be able to share that connection with them.

I mean... when we haf several Ethiopian Israelis visiting a couple weeks ago, I just felt a bit apathetic- not that I didn't care about what they had to present but it's just not totally exciting and new to me because I've already met Ethiopians and heard their stories in Israel. I only felt instant comfort as in, "Cool. Good to meet you. What's new?" Like we've already met.

Oh, I'm entering in some pictures for a photo contest that the Study Abroad office's hosting.

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