Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Countdown to America

Pretty ironic considering the fact that I love living and being in Israel but let's put it this way, there are just some things that Israel can't buy that kind of happiness of being in America. And vic e versa- only that Israel is worth millions more than America.

Things I look forward to and plan to accomplish within my first month back:
1) Driving the Audi and VW- sorry, Dad, not quite the Land Rover.
2) Mom's coleslaw
3) Real iced coffee from Starbucks. Made with real coffee, no milk or sugar or anything that makes iced coffee resembles coffee ice cream
4) Running on the pavement along the canal and the backroads of Hamilton
5) Netflix- endless string of DVDs in English with English subtitles
6) Salvatore's pizza and Wegmans' sushi
7) Sailing on the lake with GP and sleeping on the boat
8) Deli restaurants on Long Island
9) Wearing maroon and white, showing off Colgate spirit (Israeli students don't have school spirit at all)
10) Baking challah, making chocolate chip cookie dough, and grilling veggies
11) Reading labels in English
12) Using my nice cellphone with pretty layout and clearer connection... and unlimited text messaging
13) Screaming at Bank of America for leaving me nearly stranded without money for two weeks because they couldn't get my cards here fast enough and were unhelpful with customer service when I reported the cards stolen and issuing new cards.

This entry might get updated every once in a while....

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